EnTrans develops environmentally, economically and socially sound strategies and solutions to the waste management sector. Our team has extensive practical experience augmented by research experience in operating waste management facilities and solving real waste management problems. We provide solutions to a variety of clients including waste producers, operators, regulators and investors. We offer optimum solutions recognizing the waste as a resource and starting with waste prevention, diversion and ending with disposal of the remaining residue.
Our team has extensive experience, ranging from development of policies and strategies to engineering (design, construction and operation) through to their planning, permitting and environmental impact assessment.
- Waste generation analysis
Waste master-planning for treatment and disposal facilities
Policy development
LEED® design of the system components
Assessments of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions
Technology evaluation and selection
Waste characterization analysis
Market studies
Site selection and planning
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) plants
System components (minimization, collection, transfer, material recycling/recovery facilities, composting plants, anaerobic digestion and energy from waste including Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) plants, landfilling)
Facility planning and approvals
Environmental Impact Assessment
Community consultation and facilitation
Permitting and regulatory compliance
Design of: landfills, mechanical and biological treatment facilities, anaerobic digestion facilities, mechanical heat treatment facilities, composting plants, waste to energy facilities
Waste treatment process design and layout
Structural, electrical and civil design
Costing, scheduling, and quality control
Contract specifications and project tendering
Consultation and construction management
Development of waste service procurement strategies and bidding documents
Development of operations and maintenance manuals and procedures