are able to provide courses related to environmental and transportation engineering to our clients. This would include Ministry and Municipality employees and private companies.
this course provides the design tools for a WTP including: data required, water treatment process, master plan of WTP, design of the different components (water intakes, low lift pumps, flash mixing tanks, alum solution tanks, clari-flocculator tanks, rapid sand filters, chlorination system and high lift pumps) in addition to details of the different components and the process diagram.
this course provides the design tools for water networks including: data required, development of a master plan for water supply system, planning of water distribution networks, design of pipelines, design of storage tanks, details of the different components (Sluice valve chambers, washout valve chamber, Air valve chamber, ground and elevated storage, longitudinal profiles, house connections and fire hydrant details)
this course provides the design tools for a sewage collection system including: data required, development of a master plan for the sewage drainage system, planning and design of the sewage drainage networks, details of the different components (deceleration chamber, force main, submersible pumps, Oil and grease removal tanks, Manholes, Inspection chambers, longitudinal profiles).
this course provides the design tools for a WWTP including: data required, water treatment process, master plan of WWTP, design of the different components (inlet works, primary treatment, secondary treatment and tertiary treatment) in addition to details of the different treatment units and the process diagram.
identification of input data, design criteria for water distribution pipelines, data entry, design and planning of water supply system, hydraulic analysis methodology for water network projects, analysis and evaluation of output data.
identification of input data, design criteria for wastewater collection system, data entry, design and planning of wastewater collection system, hydraulic analysis methodology for wastewater collection projects, analysis and evaluation of output data.